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M16 VS AK47


ak47 vs m16

Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan 2 senjata paling terkenal dalam sejarah perang umat manusia ini, AK-47 dan M-16. Masing-masing memiliki penggemar fanatic. Masing-masing dilahirkan dari dua kutub saling berlawanan. Masing-masing dilengkapi keliber peluru yang berbeda dengan kelebihan dan keurangannya. Perseteruan M16 dan AK-47 untuk memenangkan predikat terbaik diantara senapan serbu sudah berlangsung cukup lama. Karena tidak pernah ada pemenang definitif, saluran dokumenter TV Amerika discovery cannel, membuat satu program spesial: battle of the centuries, M16 Vs AK-47. Tujuannnya mencari juaran sejati dari masing- masing kubu. Versi yang dipakai M16 adalah dari versi Vietnam M16A2 karena memiliki fitur full auto, sementara AK-47 menggunakan versi awal buatan Izmash. Penilaian dibagi dalam tujuh aspek:

1. Segi ergonomic. Pemakai M16 relatif tidak memiliki keluhan mengenai postur M16, sedangkan AK-47 dinilai terlalu berat dan kaku, popornya terlalu pendek sehingga kurang nyaman di bahu. (1-0 untuk M16).

2. Akurasi. Keduanya diwajibkan menembak semi auto, target alumunium pada jarak 600 yard. Tembakan dilakukan enam kali. Seluruh tembakan M16A2 mengenai target dengan persebaran 13-14 inci. Sementara dari enam tembakan, AK-47 hanya mamapu mengenai satu kali, itu pun dikiri bawah. (2-0 untuk M16).

3. Tes keandalan. Kedua senjata dimasukkan ke lumpur, air dan pasir. M16 jelas kalah dan macet, legenda AK terbukti, senapan ini bisa terus di tembakkan tanpa macet. (2-1 masih untuk keunggulan M16).

4. Tes recoil. Pada mode full auto, sesudah tembakan ke 12, tembakan AK-47 sudah mengarah ke atap, sementara M16A1 baru keluar dari target sesudah 24 tembakan. (skor 2-2).

5. Mengetes power dari masing-masing senjata. Setiap senjata harus menembak melalui blok kayu cylinder seberat 35 pon setebal 12 inci. Tembakan M16A2 hanya menembus 2/3 blok, smentara AK-47 berhasil menembus kayu, sekaligus memecahkannya menjadi tiga bagian (3-2 untuk AK47).

6. Tes penetrasi. Papan triplek berukuran 2×4 inci disusun berdempetan setebal 9 inci. Peluru 5,56mm M16A2 menembus sedalam 3/5 bagian, sementara AK-47 menembus semua tripleks, sembari memecahkan tiga tripleks menjadi beberapa bagian. (4-2 untuk AK-47).

7. Harga. M16 memiliki price tag lebih tinggi 1,5 kali dari AK-47. M16 baru rata-rata berharga 750-1000 dollar sementara AK-47 hanya 500 dollar, bahkan lebih murah untuk kopiannya yang dibut di Cina. (skor final 5-2 untuk AK-47).

Sudah jelas sekarang bahwa AK-47 memenangkan pertarungan ini. Akan tetapi, bukan otomatis AK-47 buru-buru dibeli banyak angkatan bersenjata. Bagi penganut jarak tembak efektif lebih penting dari segalanya, bisa ikutan pakem AS yang memakai M16. akan tetapi, bagi yang memilih daya bunuh dan keandalan tingggi, silahkan memilih AK-47.

source: http://infoaja.com/duel-ak-47-dan-m-16


Densus 88


Detasemen Khusus 88 atau Densus 88 adalah satuan khusus Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia untuk penanggulangan teroris di Indonesia. Pasukan khusus berompi merah ini dilatih khusus untuk menangani segala ancaman teror, termasuk teror bom. Beberapa anggota juga merupakan anggota tim Gegana.

Detasemen 88 dirancang sebagai unit antiteroris yang memiliki kemampuan mengatasi gangguan teroris mulai dari ancaman bom hingga penyanderaan. Densus 88 di pusat (Mabes Polri) berkekuatan diperkirakan 400 personel ini terdiri dari ahli investigasi, ahli bahan peledak (penjinak bom), dan unit pemukul yang di dalamnya terdapat ahli penembak jitu. Selain itu masing-masing kepolisian daerah juga memiliki unit anti teror yang disebut Densus 88, beranggotakan 45 - 75 orang, namun dengan fasilitas dan kemampuan yang lebih terbatas. Fungsi Densus 88 Polda adalah memeriksa laporan aktifitas teror di daerah.Melakukan penangkapan kepada personil atau seseorang atau sekelompok orang yang dipastikan merupakan anggota jaringan teroris yang dapat membahayakan keutuhan dan keamanan negara R.I.

Densus 88 adalah salah satu dari unit anti teror di Indonesia, disamping Detasemen C Gegana Brimob, Detasemen Penanggulangan Teror (Dengultor) TNI AD alias Grup 5 Anti Teror, Detasemen 81 Kopasus TNI AD (Kopasus sendiri sebagai pasukan khusus juga memiliki kemampuan anti teror), Detasemen Jalamangkara (Denjaka) Korps Marinir TNI AL, Detasemen Bravo (Denbravo) TNI AU, dan satuan anti-teror BIN.


Detasemen 88 - Latihan Penyergapan

Satuan ini diresmikan oleh Kepala Kepolisian Daerah Metro Jaya Inspektur Jenderal Firman Gani pada tanggal 26 Agustus 2004. Detasemen 88 yang awalnya beranggotakan 75 orang ini dipimpin oleh Ajun Komisaris Besar Polisi Tito Karnavian yang pernah mendapat pelatihan di beberapa negara.

Densus 88 dibentuk dengan Skep Kapolri No. 30/VI/2003 tertanggal 20 Juni 2003, untuk melaksanakan Undang-undang No. 15 Tahun 2003 tentang penetapan Perpu No. 1 Tahun 2002 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Terorisme, yaitu dengan kewenangan melakukan penangkapan dengan bukti awal yang dapat berasal dari laporan intelijen manapun, selama 7 x 24 jam (sesuai pasal 26 & 28). Undang-undang tersebut populer di dunia sebagai "Anti Teror Act".

Angka 88 berasal dari kata ATA (Anti Terror Act), yang jika dilafalkan dalam bahasa Inggris berbunyi Ei Ti Ekt. Pelafalan ini kedengaran seperti Eighty Eight (88). Jadi arti angka 88 bukan seperti yang selama ini beredar bahwa 88 adalah representasi dari jumlah korban bom bali terbanyak (88 orang dari Australia), juga bukan pula representasi dari borgol.

Pasukan khusus ini dibiayai oleh pemerintah Amerika Serikat melalui bagian Jasa Keamanan Diplomatik (Diplomatic Security Service) Departemen Negara AS dan dilatih langsung oleh instruktur dari CIA, FBI, dan U.S. Secret Service. Kebanyakan staf pengajarnya adalah bekas anggota pasukan khusus AS. Informasi yang bersumber dari FEER pada tahun 2003 ini dibantah oleh Kepala Bidang Penerangan Umum (Kabidpenum) Divisi Humas Polri, Kombes Zainuri Lubis, dan Kapolri Jenderal Pol Da’i Bachtiar. Sekalipun demikian, terdapat bantuan signifikan dari pemerintah Amerika Serikat dan Australia dalam pembentukan dan operasional Detasemen Khusus 88. Pasca pembentukan, Densus 88 dilakukan pula kerjasama dengan beberapa negara lain seperti Inggris dan Jerman. Hal ini dilakukan sejalan dengan UU Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Terorisme pasal 43.


Satuan pasukan khusus baru Polri ini dilengkapi dengan persenjataan dan kendaraan tempur buatan berbagai negara, seperti senapan serbu Colt M4, senapan serbu Aug Steyr (seperti gambar diatas), MP5, senapan penembak jitu Armalite AR-10, dan shotgun Remington 870. Bahkan dikabarkan satuan ini akan memiliki pesawat C-130 Hercules sendiri untuk meningkatkan mobilitasnya. Sekalipun demikian kelengkapan persenjataan dan peralatan Densus 88 masih jauh dibawah pasukan anti teror negara maju seperti SWAT Team di Kepolisian Amerika.

source: http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detasemen_Khusus_88

READ MORE - Densus 88

Counter Strike Tips

Despite having been around for several years now, Counter-Strike continues to dominate the world of multiplayer first-person shooters. In fact, this free modification for Half-Life still has more online players than the other top FPS games combined, making it the envy of many commercial releases. Some editions of Half-Life now include the Counter-Strike mod, and a stand-alone Counter-Strike is in the works. Here are a few tips that should improve your game, most of which are applicable to Quake and other shooters as well as Counter-Strike.

Burst Fire
Because Counter-Strike tries to simulate the recoil of actual guns, the longer you hold down the trigger the less accurate your rounds become. Unless you are at point blank range, after the first few shots you will likely just be blasting ammunition into the wild blue yonder, well over the heads of the enemy. To prevent this, and make your ammo count for something, it is a common practice in Counter-Strike to fire in short bursts of only two or three rounds, giving you a chance steady up for the next shot.

Compensate for Recoil
It may seem like common sense, but if you know that your weapon is going to recoil, it helps to compensate for it as best you can, typically by aiming down a little. Of course, the longer you press the trigger, the more difficult it will become to compensate adequately, so this is most effective when combined with burst fire as described above.

Plan Your Reloads
Reloading is one of the elements that differentiates Counter-Strike from some of the earlier FPSes. When your gun runs out of ammo, you must replace the clip, and although this can be done quite quickly, it often makes the difference between life and death. Try not to jump into an O.K. Corral style shoot-out without a fully loaded weapon, and when the time comes to reload, it's nice to have somewhere that you're not a sitting duck to do it.

Keep Your Pistol Handy
On a similar note, since you can switch weapons faster than you can reload in most FPSes, a quick weapon change at a critical moment can turn around the confrontation. We've all seen two players empty their guns into (or near) each other and almost simultaneously run out of ammo. Sometimes a good Counter-Strike player will finish the enemy off with his pistol or even his knife rather than wait for a reload.

Customize Your Controls
Making fast weapon changes and pulling off more complex maneuvers swiftly is greatly facilitated by customizing game controls and using scripts. Every player seems to have a personal preference when it comes to key combinations, and having the commands you need at your fingertips will speed up your gameplay considerably, although you will have to experiment with different configurations. Many experts have a custom configuration for each different class that they play.

Strategic Jumping
When you're in an open area or you know there are snipers targeting you, it's important to move around as much and as unpredictably as possible. Jumping, but not too regularly, can force the enemy to aim vertically as well as horizontally, or it can, if you're lucky, turn what would have been a head shot into something a little less damaging. That said, some players are prone to jumping continuously, even when out of harm's way, which can make you look like an idiot.

Listen Carefully
Sound is a big part of FPSes these days, giving players hints as to where shots are coming from, or if someone is walking up behind them. Try to learn the different weapon types by sound. It always helps to know whether you're going into a pistol fight or an AK-47 battle. A good sound system can make a difference here. Since version 1.3 it has become possible to use voice communication with Counter-Strike, which can change the gameplay experience quite dramatically and simplify team organization.

Plan Grenade Use
Grenades in Counter-Strike are limited in supply and should be used wisely. A common approach is to soften the enemy up with a few grenades before going in for the final assault. Flashbang grenades, for example, will temporarily blind those caught in the blast radius, making them vulnerable to attack. Of course, a grenade can also come in handy if you need to buy some time to make a quick retreat, or create a distraction.

Crouching and Walking
Crouching will not only steady your weapon, it will lower your profile a little and make you a smaller target. Remember that walking is silent in Counter-Strike, and by default you run all the time, so get to know those controls. Crouching and moving at the same time, while slow, also allows you to move silently. These techniques are critical if you want to sneak up on the enemy without being heard.

Take Cover
Use crates and other objects to partially conceal and protect you. It helps to have a convenient spot where you can completely disappear to reload if necessary. Keep in mind that some of the more powerful weapons in Counter-Strike can penetrate right through certain walls and objects. When you do find yourself in the unfortunate situation of having a grenade lobbed at you, turning away from it will often lessen the impact.

Try to Work as a Team
Rambo looks good in the movies, but it rarely pays off to abandon your teammates and go Kamikaze in Counter-Strike. Typically you run straight into the gunfire (and laughter) of a group of enemy players. In many cases it's nearly impossible to accomplish the game objectives in Counter-Strike without a coordinated effort, assuming that the enemy team isn't asleep at the switch. A team is usually most effective if they are carrying a variety of weaponry, since weapons in most games are designed to have strengths and weaknesses. It isn't every day that a plan comes together in an online action game, but there are rare moments when the whole thing somehow doesn't deteriorate into complete chaos, and that's what it's all about.

Practice, Practice, Practice
Like almost any game, the best way to get better is to practice. This may seem daunting when you first get into a game with a bunch of experienced players, but with a little patience you will find yourself surviving longer and even scoring a few frags.

That covers the basics of becoming a good Counter-Strike player. Naturally, there are a number of strategies and techniques specific to certain classes, weapons, and maps that go beyond the scope of this article, so you might want to browse some of the other guides in our Counter-Strike section. May the frags be with you!

source: http://internetgames.about.com/library/weekly/aa011303b.htm

READ MORE - Counter Strike Tips

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